Performance & Reliability of Active & Passive Fire Protection Systems

  • October 06, 2014
  • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Four Points by Sheraton; 1125 Boston-Providence Turnpike; Norwood, MA


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • AHJs registered with the Chapter are eligible for special event pricing.
  • Please sign in if you are an SFPE New England Chapter member for a discounted registration price.
  • Current Chapter members are eligible for discounted event pricing.
  • Current Chapter members are eligible for discounted event pricing.

The early registration period ends Tuesday, October 1st. All early registrations will receive a $5 discount. AHJs and students eligible for special event pricing must be received during the early registration period.
Registration is closed

Dr. James Milke, Professor and Chair, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, will present on his research into the performance and reliability of active and passive fire protection systems.

Dr. Milke has served as a Research Fire Prevention Engineer at the Center for Fire Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, as the Fire Protection Engineer for Fairfax County, Virginia, as a Research Assistant for the University of Maryland and as a consultant to several organizations.

Dr. Milke is a Fellow and President-Elect of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers. He is a member of several professional societies, including the National Fire Protection Association, International Association for Fire Safety Science, American Society of Civil Engineers and American Society for Testing and Materials. He is a member of the Fire Council of Underwriters Laboratories. He is an Associate Editor of Fire Technology. He is the past-chair of the NFPA Technical Committee on Smoke Management Systems and is the Chair of the ASCE/SFPE committee, "Structural Design for Fire Conditions." He was a member of the Core Group of the FEMA Building Performance Assessment Team for the World Trade Center incident on September 11, 2001.

4:00pm - 5:30pm Board of Directors Meeting (Members Welcome!)
5:30pm - 6:30pm Registration & Cocktails (Attitude Adjustment)
6:30pm - 8:30pm Dinner & Program

The early registration period ends Tuesday, October 1st. All early registrations will receive a $5 discount. AHJs and students eligible for special event pricing must be received during the early registration period.

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New England Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers

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